FROM SUCCESS 2 SIGNIFICANCE. I'm a mentor to women (and men) who are looking to take back their health: BODY/MIND/SOUL. BODY: fitness & nutrition, MIND: Self Esteem, and Servant Leadership in Family & Business, and SOUL: connecting/reconnecting to what it is God has for their lives. I consult, speak, and do training calls. Contact me if you're looking for a positive life change...I'm here to help you move from striving for SUCCESS to building a life of SIGNIFICANCE!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Slow Starting Thursday
Today DID NOT start out how I thought it would. I woke up at 5:30am, did my bible study (I'm in Hebrews), made my bed, and headed out to the garage/gym to get my workout in. As I walked through the kitchen to get to the garage in the dark of morning, I stopped in my tracks.
Teenagers had struck.
The kitchen and living room looked like the troops had stormed in, did as much damage as they could, and rushed out just as fast as they'd come. Sink overflowing with dirty dishes, dishwasher full of clean dishes, stove top slopped with cheese, the rice cooker out, and full of quinoa that had big scoops out of it and the rest burnt to the bottom of the cooker, cups of water, empty and partially empty bowls, water bottles, used napkins, leftover dinner containers emptied and sitting out. You get the idea. There was NO WAY I was heading to the garage to workout only to start my day with a filthy kitchen.
So as I went to work in that mess I mumbled to myself, grumbled out loud to no one in particular, and wondered how in the world they could NOT get that the kitchen shouldnt be slaughtered like that and left to greet me in the morning. It was a good thing it was early and they wouldnt get out to the kitchen for a bit cuz I was fit to be tied.
By the time I wiped the counters clean and started the emptied-then-refilled dishwasher, the first of the teens came out. I had some words to say, but by then my tone was MUCH calmer than it would have been about 40 minutes earlier, and I got my point across in no uncertain terms. I got hugs and apologies and they got my message loud and clear.
So that was my morning. I mopped the kitchen and cleaned the entry bathroom and am so thankful for fit club tonight so I can get my workout in after all. But my point is that sometimes the morning starts out slapping you down - whether its a disastrous kitchen, or a botched deadline at work, or a mountain of paperwork, or bad news, or _________ (you fill in the blank), and its up to us to roll with it and not let it throw off the whole day.
Today is still not over yet, but its not been bad after all. I've had a GREAT conversation with my Success Partner and dear friend Doug Fitzgerald, followed by another good call with fellow Beachbody Coach and friend Perry Tinsley, and my sweet assistant Brittany brought me my favorite coffee. :)
And my kitchen was clean. :) At least for the 6 hours the kids were at school. :)
Beachbody Coach,
Busy Mom,
Home business,
Tony Horton,
Top Coach
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Paul Study :)
Hey Friends! :)
Update: I've heard from some of you that ordered your Paul (**Thank you Lori J for reminding me that its NOT Daniel, but Paul that I've signed us all up to study! LOL) Beth Moore Bible Study book and it's already arrived at your door...uh?!? Whats up with that - I posted the idea AFTER I'd ordered mine and its still not here?!?! What in the wide world of sports is going on? BooHoo!
So wait for me - my book should be here any day - I will be embarking on this 90 day study very soon and want to do this TOGETHER. :)
Waiting patiently for my Bible Study to arrive......was that the door bell?? ;)
Update: I've heard from some of you that ordered your Paul (**Thank you Lori J for reminding me that its NOT Daniel, but Paul that I've signed us all up to study! LOL) Beth Moore Bible Study book and it's already arrived at your door...uh?!? Whats up with that - I posted the idea AFTER I'd ordered mine and its still not here?!?! What in the wide world of sports is going on? BooHoo!
So wait for me - my book should be here any day - I will be embarking on this 90 day study very soon and want to do this TOGETHER. :)
Waiting patiently for my Bible Study to arrive......was that the door bell?? ;)
Beth Moore,
Bible Study,
Busy Mom,
Jesus Christ,
Tony Horton,
Top Coach,
Traci Morrow
Monday, March 28, 2011
Want To Join Me?
I just ordered this book this morning and plan to embark on a journey with the worlds most famous evangelist through the guidance of my favorite female author Beth Moore. Care to join me? I'd love to go through it together and share our thoughts and insights these next 90 days! :) I say, we begin a 90 day workout program at the same time as we seek to grow physically and spiritually. If you're interested (why not?!?! Go for it!! Dont make me grow alone! ;) ) just click on the link to the side and purchase your copy today! Let's GROW TOGETHER!! :)
Let me know if you're going to join me on my journey!
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Let me know if you're going to join me on my journey!
Friend me on facebook!
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Beth Moore,
Busy Mom,
Christ Follower,
Team Beachbody,
Top Coach,
Traci Morrow
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Team Beachbody Top Coach 2008
When I started this business I knew NOTHING about it. :) That just goes to show you that you can DO and LEARN at the same time, and be successful. All it takes is a desire, an interest, and a love for helping people. Servant leadership.
Home business,
Team Beachbody,
Tony Horton,
Top Coach,
Traci Morrow
For Women, Aged 35-50
This may be TMI for you guys, so feel free to either pass this link on to your wife or sister, and I’ll see you on the next one. ;)
My mom gave my older sister a book when she turned 40, 10 years ago. Last year, as I approached my 40th birthday I reminded her of the book.
"I’d love a copy of that book you gave to Sister, Mom”, (we’re very unique with our nicknames for one another aren’t we? ;) ) “my body’s doing some weird stuff and I think I may be in the beginning stage of perimenopause.”
“Oh TRACI, you’re young and in such great shape – you’re already having symptoms?”, my mom asked, trying to remember the name of the book. “Terri (my sister) and I were at least 45 before we started in.”
But you know your own body. You KNOW when things are different. I was barely 40 years old and suddenly everything I knew to be pattern, routine and normalcy with my body suddenly were all over the map. My “28-days-to-the-hour” cycle now was anything but predictable. I noticed a layer of fat forming over my abs and backside that had NEVER been there, even though my eating was the same. I was VERY tired, though I was faithfully taking my supps, eating clean, and drinking my Shakeology healthy meal replacement shake and exercising 4-6 times a week. I was more emotional, was experiencing insomnia, and waking up drenched in sweat. Sound familiar? Well, if so, this book will help you navigate this new path in your health journey informed and educated as you decide what you’ll do to manage and monitor your hormone levels.
I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that I have spoken with my gynecologist about the changes. She ran quite a few tests to make sure it is the natural process of perimenopause and not something more serious or dangerous. (I had a mammogram, blood work, and a uterine scrape (in addition to my regular pap exam) to test for uterine cancer. Everything came back normal after a brief scare. whew!) Together, she and I are charting the best plan of action for me, but I’m also researching additional ways to help with mood swings and night sweats. This is a day and age of knowledge on the web and I want to encourage all of you reading this to not just take a medication just because your doctor tells you to, but to search for what is THE BEST plan for YOU. I’m researching and finding out what works for me, and I encourage you to do the same. Times are changing and so is the way people approach aging and change. “Taking your health back” doesn’t just mean getting fit again but also researching whats out there now. Reading a book like this is a GREAT help.
We’re in this TOGETHER. :) I’ll keep sharing with you as I learn, and I hope you’ll do the same with others.
Closing out with page 11 from the book, where there is a check list of symptoms for you to see if you may be in perimenopause. Every woman won’t have every symptom obviously, but see if any of these match up for you:
Irregular Periods
PMS symptoms – bloating, cramps, breast tenderness
hot flashes and night sweats
insomnia and fatigue
heart palpitations
mood swings and irritability
migraine headaches
memory problems
fuzzy thinking or inability to concentrate
dry, itchy, irritated skin
dry or thinning hair
brittle nails
weight gain, especially around the middle
pain with intercourse
loss of interest in sex
joint pain
irritable bowel syndrome
If this lines up with what you’re going through, please purchase the book and make an appt with your gynecologist. We’ll get through this…TOGETHER. :)
My mom gave my older sister a book when she turned 40, 10 years ago. Last year, as I approached my 40th birthday I reminded her of the book.
"I’d love a copy of that book you gave to Sister, Mom”, (we’re very unique with our nicknames for one another aren’t we? ;) ) “my body’s doing some weird stuff and I think I may be in the beginning stage of perimenopause.”
“Oh TRACI, you’re young and in such great shape – you’re already having symptoms?”, my mom asked, trying to remember the name of the book. “Terri (my sister) and I were at least 45 before we started in.”
But you know your own body. You KNOW when things are different. I was barely 40 years old and suddenly everything I knew to be pattern, routine and normalcy with my body suddenly were all over the map. My “28-days-to-the-hour” cycle now was anything but predictable. I noticed a layer of fat forming over my abs and backside that had NEVER been there, even though my eating was the same. I was VERY tired, though I was faithfully taking my supps, eating clean, and drinking my Shakeology healthy meal replacement shake and exercising 4-6 times a week. I was more emotional, was experiencing insomnia, and waking up drenched in sweat. Sound familiar? Well, if so, this book will help you navigate this new path in your health journey informed and educated as you decide what you’ll do to manage and monitor your hormone levels.
I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that I have spoken with my gynecologist about the changes. She ran quite a few tests to make sure it is the natural process of perimenopause and not something more serious or dangerous. (I had a mammogram, blood work, and a uterine scrape (in addition to my regular pap exam) to test for uterine cancer. Everything came back normal after a brief scare. whew!) Together, she and I are charting the best plan of action for me, but I’m also researching additional ways to help with mood swings and night sweats. This is a day and age of knowledge on the web and I want to encourage all of you reading this to not just take a medication just because your doctor tells you to, but to search for what is THE BEST plan for YOU. I’m researching and finding out what works for me, and I encourage you to do the same. Times are changing and so is the way people approach aging and change. “Taking your health back” doesn’t just mean getting fit again but also researching whats out there now. Reading a book like this is a GREAT help.
We’re in this TOGETHER. :) I’ll keep sharing with you as I learn, and I hope you’ll do the same with others.
Closing out with page 11 from the book, where there is a check list of symptoms for you to see if you may be in perimenopause. Every woman won’t have every symptom obviously, but see if any of these match up for you:
Irregular Periods
PMS symptoms – bloating, cramps, breast tenderness
hot flashes and night sweats
insomnia and fatigue
heart palpitations
mood swings and irritability
migraine headaches
memory problems
fuzzy thinking or inability to concentrate
dry, itchy, irritated skin
dry or thinning hair
brittle nails
weight gain, especially around the middle
pain with intercourse
loss of interest in sex
joint pain
irritable bowel syndrome
If this lines up with what you’re going through, please purchase the book and make an appt with your gynecologist. We’ll get through this…TOGETHER. :)
Beachbody Coach,
Top Coach
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