In Summary:

2. Think: "How do I want my words to make this person feel?"
3. Think: "What do I want them to take away from this conversation?"
Then I learned from the Fitzgerald/Dovel team that its important to Develop a Plan as I build my team of coaches, and then Keep it Simple! :) It boils down to these three points:
1. Here's what we're doing.
2. Here's where we're going.
3. Come along!
I learned that inside every person is a "Dreamer", a "Doubter", and a "Realist".

1. Our Dreamer holds our deepest desires; that place where we dream big;
2. Our Doubter holds us back sometimes and tells us (sometimes in our own voice, sometimes in the voices of those who have actually spoken them to us) WHY we CANT do it, and
3. Our Realist is the part of us that helps us find the balance between what we WANT to do, and what NEEDS to be done, and helps us figure out a plan of strategy to MAKE IT HAPPEN.
They all work together to help us find balance, but I felt encouraged to really listen to my "Dreamer". :) For me personally, its that part of me that really connects with what I feel God has for me, in spite of what fear might tell me cant be done! Oh, that blasted FEAR!! What a loudmouthed liar it is!!!
Kory Edwards shared from the heart all about the impact we can have on people's lives for decades to come. He spoke of his own experience in another fitness based company that he and his wife were a part of; how years later, after people had gained back the weight they'd lost with them years before - that they felt comfortable to come back because they knew he and his wife were there to help! THATS COACHING! :) Total acceptance and love - thats what I'm talkin about!!
He also shared how his worst nightmare came true when his wife was diagnosed with cancer and passed away a short time later, and how that caused him to dig deep into what he really believed about life and the afterlife, as well as really putting his core message to trial by fire: that living a healthy, fit lifestyle is worth it for optimal living...TODAY. We really dont have any idea how much time we have on this earth - lets make the most of what we've been given and help others do the same! What a gentle giant. :) Love that guy! Doug Couch came up later and said "Thanks to Kory, I just fell in love with a man for the first time in my life." :) Couch...that guy makes me smile just thinking of his humor and delivery. :) But I think we all fell in love with Kory that day as he spoke from his heart in front of his team: a group of strangers at 9am, but by 5pm: FAMILY.
Lastly, Randy talked about talking to professionals about the Team Beachbody opportunity! He encouraged us to:
1. Be Prepared. Professionals will not waste time. (actually, no one wants their time wasted!)
2. Be organized.
3. Be brief

4. Be confident
5. Look professional
6. Listen - DONT SELL (EW!!!) - dont worry that they wont be interested!
What we have with Team Beachbody is something that every person needs whether they know it or not. Our goal is to share it with them - the opportunity to have optimal health, and to help others have that too - in such a way that we are genuine in extending hope to people! :)
If you missed this: our third Team Genesis Summit, you now have the summary. :) But there's nothing like "huddling up" with friends who are likeminded - even friends you've never met - to encourage one another to be the best possible versions of ourselves! :)
Sooo HAPPY to be in this with you -
TOGETHER....we're BETTER!! :)
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