Two years ago on February 10, 2006, I met and had lunch with my dear

Scott Fifer who had just come back from a volunteer vacation in Tanzania. He had brought me back this adorable Tanzanian angel made of a banana peel,

and had wonderful stories and photos to share with me. Well that day, that looked just like any other day, was a day that God plucked me off the path that my life was on, and plunked me down onto a path that would lead KC and I to our 5th and 6th children; adopted and home from Ethiopia just 10 mos after that lunch with Scott! :)

When God touches your heart with the things that touch his heart - your life will NEVER be the same. Over and over throughout the bible, he talks about his love for the poor and orphaned and forgotten. If that doesnt describe Africa, I dont know what does.

Last night was our 2 year anniversary of that lunch, and we celebrated with a dinner in an authentic Ethiopian restaurant in Los Angeles where Scott met our boys for the first time, and our other kids as well. :) We had a great time eating the food, chattering and laughing, and enjoying one anothers company!

(oh, and trying on cool Ethiopian hats!) Its incredible to me how our hearts are entwined with each others as we share the love and concern for people on the other side of this much smaller than I had previously thought, world.
Scott is in the process of raising money to build a home, school, water system for an orphanage entitled "TunaHAKI" which means
"We have a right". Link: He already raised money to purchase the land, so now its a matter of getting the remaining funds donated, and the project built.

Over 20-something kids live in this orphanage of kids with varying Christian denominations. Which got my wheels turning - wouldnt it be cool to get a group to head over there to give them a week of Vacation Bible School, complete with their own bibles and games, and skits, all teaching about the love of their creator?!?! :) Yes, meals with Scott seem

to be the catalyst for Gods "dawnings" for me! Think twice before you accept a meal invitation from him! hee
KIDDING, of course! :)
God just keeps flinging open doors for my heart to be drawn to the orphans of the African continent - I encourage you to listen if you are feeling that same tugging at YOUR heart! It doesnt mean life will be easier, but FAR RICHER!! :) What better way to live, than to have the creator of life directing your next steps?! Words cant describe the exhileration and joy! And to do it side by side with friends....all the better! :)
Hey - very well written post trace. I would like to meet your friend sometime. Please tell him to contact us at emiea if he is interested in having a design for his orphanage. We don't fund or build, but we usually save people a lot of money and provide them with a lot of helpful services that help make their vision come to life in the most efficient and impacting manner available for their site. Just a thought! Good to see the pictures of the Morrow kids - boy do we miss you guys! Love, Brad
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