Extra bonus: all three stops highlighted or were centered around Tony Horton, and its always fun when he shows up!
Our first stop: (no photos dang it) Philly for QVC to promote P90X. We were on air for an hour, and sold nearly 4,000 programs! :) We had a great host; Dan something or other ;) and though I cant remember his last name, he was lots of fun! The day we were LIVE was his 10th day of the X, so next month when we go back (they're having us on about once a month) there should be some fun change. I'll be sure to post when we go back next so you can tune in and get some motivation. Tony is great LIVE, and makes the viewer WANT to work out!

Next stop: Dallas; for the Team Beachbody Opportunity Meeting. :) Got to spend some time
with old friends, and meet new! LOTS of newbies! :) I love to see and meet new Team Beachbody coaches and faithfuls! You can tell a recent grad of a Beachbody program - they're the ones with the giddy smiles that never fade, and who cant stop talking about how much they love to workout
now, and how their pants are smaller, and how people dont recognize them now! :)

Final Stop: Parker, Colorado for our final Tony Horton Fitness Camp of the year. We had 45 campers. It was intimate and fun, with lots of information, mixed with hilarity passed on from Tony. :) I have a really great job, if
you can even call it that. :) Tony and I have a blast at every camp; and with our new administrative partner, JuliAnne Forrest - they run smoothy-smooth! (Hortonism) Tony and I keep waiting for the day when we get to host our own health and fitness show; where he is witty and charming and
informative, and I laugh at all his jokes. :) Would YOU tune in to that!?? :o)~ lol We may just end up being our only viewers. ;o) However it turns out; we are a really good fit for a team, which makes it all the more FUN. I jokingly call him my "work husband", cuz we sort of feel parental about our camp attendees. :)

My REAL husband is a *STAR*; he encourages me to go and participate in these things while he stays home with our 6 kids! Not only that, but of the two nights I was gone, my kids were treated to the following: Friday night date night with Dad: he took our three daughters out to sushi for a gab session. But lets be honest: we can be certain that he did VERY LITTLE of the gabbing, as our girls CAN TALK! :) (Hmmm.....I wonder
where they get that from? ;)) Then Saturday night was Guys Night Out with Dad: he took our three sons to Speedway for motorcycle races and stunts. :) He said the little boys eyes were as wide as saucers when the trick bikes came out. :) What a guy, right? Its funny how that seems just as romantic to me as bringing me flowers or taking ME out. :) We make a good team, me and my REAL husband. :)

So here are a few photos for you. If you have ANY desire to come to a Tony camp; the website
is http://www.thfitnesscamp.com/ Up to date info will be posted as we ink our '09 camps so you can pick the one you want to attend and then PLAN ON IT. :) We'd love to meet you!!! :)

Keep Bringin It! And ***don't forget*** to email me your questions for answering in my coaching tips! Include your address so I can send you a present for "playing"! We're trying to make getting and staying fit and healthy FUN!! :)
In this with you!